OSC Hot 100

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This page tracks the largest object-show-related YouTube channels! Right now, I'm only including channels with 3,000+ subscribers. Do you qualify, and want to be added to the OSC Hot 100? Click here!

Note: Don't fill out the form if you haven't hit 3,000 subs yet, since you can only submit once. If you do, it may be harder to notify us once you do reach 3,000!

Tip: Press WASD or Arrow Keys to move forward/backward through time, or up and down the leaderboard. Click on the left side of an OSC-er to go to their YouTube channel, click on the right side to go to their SocialBlade, and click on video thumbnails to go to their YouTube video pages.

For the top 1,000 accounts, the OSC Hot 100 should update subcounts/viewcounts daily, and metadata 3 times a week. (Metadata is profile pictures, usernames, channel descriptions, and the recent video.) If you are outside the top 1,000, all info about your channel should update once a week!

If the leaderboard doesn't load, try going into your browser settings and clearing the cache. This will force the browser to download the most up-to-date information!

Tag Meaning
This channel is related to the OSC, but predominantly uploads non-OSC content now. For "Not-only-OSC" channels to still qualify for this list, there must have been a time when the owner of the channel primarily uploaded object-show content somewhere. Otherwise, it doesn't belong on this list at all. (For example, reaction channels that have reacted to dozens of shows and a few BFDI episodes will not qualify.)
This channel is owned by either Michael or Cary Huang.
This channel was added to the OSC Hot 100 list in the last 7 days.